For a full description of methods, see Nitta et al. (2022).
The goal of this project is to produce a maximally sampled global fern phylogeny.
All DNA sequence data were downloaded from GenBank. The current FTOL (v1.7.0) includes sequences up to 2024-06-15 (GenBank release 261).
Input data, including a database containing fern sequences from GenBank release 261, are available on FigShare.
Two datasets were produced:
The “plastome” dataset includes 79 loci obtained from whole plastomes for 654 species (including outgroup taxa).
The “Sanger” dataset includes 7 plastid loci for 5,869 species (including outgroup taxa).
Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using maximum likelihood in IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al. 2015) in two steps. First, a backbone phylogeny was built using the plastome dataset. Next, the full phylogeny was built using the Sanger dataset with the backbone phylogeny as a constraint tree. For both analyses, all loci were concatenated and no partitioning was used.
The tree was dated using treePL (Smith and O’Meara 2012) with a set of 54 fossil constraints (not including the root).